Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Not sure what she was thinking but...

This morning Sass was thrilled to share a picture she had drawn for me yesterday in her spare time at school.
It came neatly folded like this...

And when I opened it, I saw this...

"What is this?," I asked.
"It's a finger!," she replied.
"What finger?"
"This one; it's my first time drawing a finger!"


1 comment:

  1. Took me a second. I thought the worst because.. I'm a bad, bad person. :) Then I thought rocket... no. Then, my mind went to finger nail polish and I got it! Emily did the SAME sort of thing to me when she was Roxy's age! Simon wrote a story about "being high" in first grade that made me giggle - of course he meant flying, but he didn't have the word for it. Kids are awesome! Fingers are hard to draw! That was a great first attempt!
